Painted Scars

Painted Scars

Neva Altaj
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Charming, captivating, and seductive,
And a cold-blooded killer.
But I married the Pakhan of the Russian Bratva anyway.
I had to. It was part of the deal.
Now, I’m faking marital bliss,
As I tremble with fear,
And I cannot wait to be out of the clutches of this ruthless man.
I get anything I desire.
And I want this perfectly imperfect little manipulator.
The way she can deceive anyone into believing she’s crazy in love with me,
Just makes me want her even more.
She doesn't know it yet,
But I am not letting her go.
The deal - is off.
*Painted Scars is a full-length novel with several open-door steamy scenes, no cheating and a guaranteed HEA.
This is the first book in Perfectly Imperfect dark mafia series. Each book in this series features a different couple and can be read as a standalone, but for maximum enjoyment, follow the recommended reading order.
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Ngôn ngữ:
Perfectly Imperfect
EPUB, 926 KB
CID , CID Blake2b
arabic, 1970
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