

Tracy Wolff
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Everything feels off—especially me. I've returned to Katmere Academy, but I'm haunted by fragments of days I have no recollection of living and struggling to understand who, or what, I really am.
Just when I start to feel safe again, Hudson is back with a vengeance. He insists there are secrets I don't know about, threatening to drive a wedge between Jaxon and me forever. But far worse enemies are at our doorstep.
The Circle is caught in a power play and the Vampire Court is trying to drag me out of my world and into theirs. The only thing Hudson and Jaxon agree on is that leaving Katmere would mean my certain death.
And not only am I fighting for my life, but now everyone else's is at stake—unless we can defeat an unspeakable evil. All I know is that saving the people I love is going to require sacrifice.
Maybe more than I'm able to give.
The Crave series is best enjoyed in order.
Reading Order:
Book #1 Crave
Book #2 Crush

Nhà xuát bản:
Entangled Publishing, LLC
Ngôn ngữ:
EPUB, 934 KB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2020
Tải vè (epub, 934 KB)
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